The Facts About the Mycotoxin Test, Mycotoxin Testing

and Mycotoxin Tests for Humans and Pets


Mycotoxins are poisons produced by fungus or what is commonly known as “Mold”. Not all species of mold produce pathogens (disease causing elements). However, many species of fungi are known as pathogenic and produce toxic substances mycotoxins being one of them.

When a person mistakenly eats an unknown species of toadstool or mushroom (Fungi / Mold), they may become ill, hallucinate, or in the worst case scenario die. These affects are caused by the mycotoxins (poisons) contained in the toadstool or mushroom. To say that a person could not become ill from inhaling or ingesting aerosolized mycotoxins produced from fungus or mold is a misnomer.

Mycotoxins are known as “secondary metabolites”, a nonviable (non-living) chemical component produced by 1 of over 190 known species of fungi that produce mycotoxins.

The most common mycotoxins are as follows:

  • Aflatoxin
  • Ochratoxin
  • Trichotecenes


After mold releases their spore’s mycotoxins may enter the human body one of four ways:

  1.  Mold / Fungal spores become aerosolized (airborne) and land on food stuffs and are ingested (eaten) by the inhabitants of the structure
  2. Mold / Fungal spores become aerosolized and are inhaled by the occupants of a structure, bringing the fungal contaminate and their mycotoxins into the sinuses and lungs
  3. The bio-mass (shell) of the mold spore, a (1 – 3)- β-D-glucan, a non-viable particle may act as the carrier mechanism for mycotoxins. These mold spore shells bio-degrade into “fine particulates”, having a size less than 1 micron. At this size they become extremely problematic to the human body as they become the same size as a gas molecule and easily pass through the lungs directly into the blood stream. If the bio-mass was produced by a pathogenic species of fungi/mold, now you have a solid, fibrous, non-soluable particle in the blood stream carrying mycotoxins. These particles become cumulative and gather in the liver and kidneys.
  4. As Fungi / Mold release spores and beta glucans, during the winter months these components may enter and filter through the heating system of a structure. Once a mold spore or beta glucan carrying mycotoxins passes through high temperatures the mycotoxins may become vaporized turning into a gas that may be inhaled by the inhabitants of the structures.


Mycotoxins can produce multiple symptoms in the human body:

  • Inflammation of the skin
  • Skin rash
  • Drop in white blood cells
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Degeneration of the lungs

  • Cellular damage to bone, spleen, intestine, thymus
  • Miscarriage
  • Cause weight loss or weight gain
  • Memory loss
  • Visual disturbances
  • Nervous disorders
  • And multiple other related symptoms


If you have been exposed to fungal contamination, removed yourself from that environment if you continue to feel abnormal there is a high probability that mycotoxins may be present in your body.


See your attending physician for diagnosis and treatment for any medical conditions or symptoms.